Booking confirmed!

In order to prepare your call, please follow NOW these 3 steps
(if not done, your meeting will be automatically cancelled in 1h)

Booking confirmed!

In order to prepare your call, please follow NOW these 3 steps
(if not done, your meeting will be automatically cancelled in 1h)

Step 1

Find an available slot for
a meeting and let the
magic happen…

I kindly ask you to connect:

⏱️ On time

💻 From a computer with camera/micro

⁠🤫 From a quiet environement

⛔ Do NOT connect from a phone, from a noisy place, or whatever making the call impossible.

If you don’t respect these conditions, I will cancel the meeting and you will be automatically blacklisted by my CRM.

My time is as precious as yours,
i hope you understand.

Step 2

Click on the button below
to text me on Whatsapp

In order to prepare our meeting, I need to ask you
few additional questions.

Step 3

Follow me on this
Instagram account

You will find a lot of examples of the Kumuda’s Secret Experience, I kindly ask you to have a look and select your favorite one (so we can speak about it during the call).

Step 1

Find an available slot for a meeting and let the magic happen…

I kindly ask you to connect:

⏱️ On time

💻 From a computer with camera/micro

⁠🤫 From a quiet environement

⛔ Do NOT connect from a phone, from a noisy place, or whatever making the call impossible.

If you don’t respect these conditions, I will cancel the meeting and you will be automatically blacklisted by my CRM.

My time is as precious as yours,
i hope you understand.

Step 2

Click on the button below to text me on Whatsapp

In order to prepare our meeting, I need to ask you few additional questions.

Step 3

Follow me on this
Instagram account

You will find a lot of examples of the Kumuda’s Secret Experience, I kindly ask you to have a look and select your favorite one (so we can speak about it during the call).